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4th World Petroleum Technology Congress | Date: 15-16 April 2025 in New Delhi, India

Speaker Opportunities

World Petroleum Technology Congress is always looking for qualified speakers / presenters. We offer several emerging technologies, innovation or industry-focused topics. By speaking at the WPTC, whether it's as a keynote or as a conference session presenter, you'll benefit from enormous exposure for yourself and your company, while also sharing your knowledge to the oil & gas community.

As a World Petroleum Technology Congress speaker, it’s your opportunity to:

Benefits of Speaking

Speaking at public forums often results in attaining business because an audience of potential customers or clients gains an increased awareness of the company in general and specific subject areas in particular. Presentations about industry trends or “how-to” talks can make a large impact on the audience.

Speaking opportunities for Senior Executives represent a strong marketing, public relations and business development tool.

Interested in speaking at a World Petroleum Technology Congress, please e-mail a description of your proposed session to dranilgarg2024@gmail.com

WPTC receives many speaker submissions so you will be contacted only if your proposal fits our members's needs.

Thank you for your interest.

Attend the World Petroleum Technology Congress

The World Petroleum Technology Congress offers unrivalled opportunities for growth and connections.