World Petroleum Congress

International Conference & Exhibition on Oil & Gas Industry with a focus on Synergy for Energy


To demonstrate your company’s leadership role, commitment to energy security through clean and green energy and specially to have prominent visibility of your esteemed organisation at the World Petroleum Technology Congress & Expo 2024 numerous sponsorship opportunities are available:


Rs. 25 Lakh / US$ 50000

  • Official Status as Platinum Sponsor
  • The CMD/CEO/Director will invited for the presentation at Inaugural Ceremony
  • Name and logo of company shall appear prominently in all the promotional materials.
  • Company logo features on Congress Website
  • Thirty (30) complementary delegate registrations at the Congress
  • Corporate Literature/ Brochures to be included in the Delegate Kit
  • Place logo in the Congress website including 50 word company profile
  • Priority option to sponsor major social events
  • 18 sqm build-up booth space at Expo
  • Acknowledgement on signage during the Congress
  • Corporate linked logo on the World PetroTech website
  • Complimentary banner advertisements in the World PetroTech website
  • Special acknowledgment during the Inaugural and Valedictory Sessions


Rs. 15 Lakh / US$ 30000

  • Official Status as Diamond Sponsor
  • Name and logo of company shall appear prominently in all the promotional materials
  • Company logo features on Congress Website
  • Twenty (20) complimentary delegate registrations at the Congress
  • Corporate Literature/ Brochures to be included in the Delegate Kit
  • Place logo in the Congress program including 50 word company profile
  • Priority option to sponsor major social events
  • 12 sqm build-up booth space at Expo
  • Acknowledgement on signage during the Congress
  • Corporate linked logo on the World PetroTech website
  • Complimentary banner advertisements in the World PetroTech website

Special acknowledgment during the Inaugural and Valedictory Sessions


Rs. 10 Lakh / US$ 20000

  • Official status as Gold Sponsor
  • Name and logo of company shall appear in all the promotional materials.
  • Company logo to features on Congress Website
  • Ten (10) complimentary delegate registrations at the Congress
  • Corporate literature / brochures to be included in the Delegate Kit
  • Place logo in the Congress program including 50 word company profile
  • Priority option to sponsor major social events
  • 9 sqm build-up booth space at Expo
  • Acknowledgement on signage during the Congress
  • Corporate linked logo on the World PetroTech website

Special acknowledgment during the Inaugural and Valedictory Sessions


Rs. 5 Lakh / US$ 10000

  • Official status as Silver Sponsor
  • Name and logo of company shall appear in all the promotional materials like backdrop and banners.
  • Company logo to feature on Congress Website
  • Five (5) complimentary delegate registrations at the Congress
  • 6 sqm build-up booth space at Expo
  • Corporate literature/ brochures to be included in the Delegate Kit
  • Exhibition space at special discounted price

Supporting Sponsorship Opportunities

For companies wishing to target specific day, session, materials, or social events during the Congress, individual sponsorship provides an attractive option. This allows your company to choose the desired level of involvement and exposure to the participants of the Congress.

Global Awards Dinner on 26th April 2024 evening

Rs. 10 Lakh / US$ 20000

Global Awards Dinner on 26th April 2024 evening provides an excellent sponsorship opportunity. The event usually includes corporate entertainment, presentations and awards and is considered the social highlight of the event. Drinks followed by the lavish food spread, featuring cuisines of the East and the West will be provided at the Congress dinner.

  • Official status as Sponsor
  • Ten (10) complimentary delegate registrations at the Congress
  • Approved marketing material placed in Delegate Kit
  • Your company will be listed as a Sponsor in the Congress brochure and on Website
  • Acknowledgment/Listing/Advertisement in Program Booklet
  • Invitation Card for the reception will feature your logo with participating partner’s name.
  • Your company’s logo will be featured on the signage for the Global Awards Ceremony
  • Special acknowledgment during the Global Awards Ceremony social event

Technology Sponsor

Rs. 7 Lakh / US$ 10000

  • Seven (7) complimentary delegate registrations at the Congress
  • Approved marketing material placed and distributed to the participants.
  • Acknowledgment/Listing/Banner in World PetroTech website
  • Your company will be listed as the Technology sponsor in the Congress brochure and on Website
  • Company’s logo will be featured backdrop
  • 9 sqm buil-up booth space at Expo
  • Special acknowledgment during the Inaugural and Valedictory Sessions

Luncheon Sponsor

Rs. 6 Lakh / US$ 10000

  • Three (3) complimentary delegate registrations at the Congress
  • Approved marketing material placed in Delegate Kit.
  • Acknowledgment/Listing/Advertisement in Program Booklet
  • Your company will be listed as the luncheon sponsor in the Congress brochure and on Website
  • Company’s logo will be featured in the Luncheon Card/Coupon/Signage at Lunch venue
  • Acknowledgment/Listing in Congress Program Booklet
  • 6 sqm buil-up booth space at Expo

Special acknowledgment during the Inaugural and Valedictory Sessions

Session Sponsor

Rs. 5 Lakh / US$ 10000

  • Speaker Slots for twenty minutes each during the session.
  • Five (5) complimentary delegate registrations at the Congress
  • Your Company will be listed as the Session sponsor in the Congress brochure and on Website
  • Your Company’s logo will be displayed in front of session hall.
  • Approved marketing material placed in Delegate Kit.
  • 6 sqm buil-up booth space at Expo
  • Special acknowledgment during the Inaugural and Valedictory Sessions